This information is regarding auditions for the adult ensemble only. Those interested in auditioning for the EWS Youth Band, please see the EWS Youth! audition page.
EWS schedules open auditions 1-2 times per year, typically in the late spring. There is no date scheduled for auditions at this time, but when there is, the date will be posted on this site, as well as on Facebook and Instagram.
Please submit an application any time, and we will contact you when we are ready to schedule the next open audition date. Additionally, we occasionally hold instrument specific auditions if we have an open seat in the ensemble.
Rehearsal/performance schedule:
- Four to five rehearsals typically precede a concert.
- Rehearsals are typically held on Saturday mornings from 9:00-12:00 in the central NJ area.
- Concerts primarily fall on Saturday evenings or Sunday afternoons.
Auditions are for both sub spots, which are available in all sections, as well as possible open seats for the season starting each fall.
Review our mission and vision statements. Our attendance policy allows for one missed rehearsal per concert cycle. Missing more than one rehearsal disqualifies a musician from participating in that concert performance. Repeat attendance concerns may lead to removal from the active performer roster. Please note that all sub and seat positions are volunteer, EWS is a non-profit organization and no members are paid for their participation. Requesting an audition represents your acceptance of these guidelines.
To request an audition, please follow the steps below:
1. Complete and submit the audition request form below.
2. Once your request form is submitted, you will be contacted no later than the week before the auditions to give you a specific audition time.
3. Audition time slots will be 15 minutes in length. Please prepare 5 to 7 minutes of music to play at the audition. Solos, etudes, and orchestral excerpts are all recommended for this audition. Please choose a fast and technically demanding excerpt and a slow and lyrical excerpt.
A warm-up room will be provided for you prior to the audition. You will be notified via E-mail of the results of your audition.
Please select THIS LINK to complete the audition form. You will be contacted by email when the next audition session is scheduled.